That's reason Ministry has boycotted 59 apps and these apps will be removed from the playstore in a few...

Told that it should be stopped a few days ago an incident came to light in which boy and girl are having sex and their video also went viral in the mediaThe girl said very clearly that I do not care about this thing, also said that it should make you as viral as I can

Ministry boycott China, Ministry said that we believe in protecting and protecting the country Keeping these things in mind, we have taken these stepsTaking the demand of the people and the attacks in Ladakh, we took this decisionBecause of all these, the threat against the people of our country is increasing day by day.It has apps that promote theft, stealing data, breaking locks, and many more.Through the information technology we came to know about all these events, in this, there are ways to steal and sell people 's lamps.The ministry said that cybercrime has requested to stop the misuse of all these apps, they say that it should be stoppedPeople have more power over Tiktok, they say that because of Tiktok, the youth of the country are going on the wrong way, they have expressed a request.
Then another new case came in which a 16-year-old girl was arrested.It is not yet known why he did this, keeping these things in mind and the Ministry to maintain the happiness and peace of the country.China has boycotted 59 apps and these apps will be removed from the playstore in a few days.
